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A singular catch in Watamu, the Bowhead Guitarfish

A preistorical ray taken by scientists of West Indian Ocean Association

15-06-2017 di redazione

Thanks to the photograph of a marine scientist, Michael Gilbert, on Watamu's beach, it was possible to classify the incredible fish that were finished in the local fishermen network, which are not usual to capture such specimens of the genre.
It's a "Bowhead Guitarfish" of the breed family.
Guitar fish, we could call it. In the Latin classification it is part of the Rhinobatidae family.
The West Indian Ocean Association, of which Gilbert is a part, deals with the biological balance of protected species or does not fall under the normal livelihood or trade of the peoples of the States facing Africa's African Africa.
They are the entities responsible for capturing these specimens, to study their evolution and adaptation to different ages.
The guitar breed is a prehistoric fish whose origins are lost in the night of the times. Live in depth up to 200 meters, near coral reefs and tropical and subtropical areas all over the world.

TAGS: Pesce chitarrapesca KenyaBowhead guitarfish

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